The Trench Dredging System is developed, built and commissioned by Seascape. The TDS is special designed for shallow water trenching. It’s completely bridge operated and consists of dredging equipment and a controlling system. The TDS can be applied on any floating object such as a pontoon or a vessel.
Dredge equipment
The dredging equipment consist of a dredge frame, an A-frame floating pipelines and possible with a hose guiding system. The dredge frame has a small electronics epod for the roll & pitch and depth sensor. The frame is build up with suction and jetting nozzles with pumps and the necessary tubing and hydraulics.
Design 1 is as frame with 5×350 m3/hr pumps with 2x350m3/hr jets. Design 2 is as frame with 5×700 m3/hr pumps with 4x350m3/hr jets. The first designs wasconsidered to be able to dredge in one movement approximately 0,5 m deep and 6 m wide. During actual dredging commissioning the system was able to dredge a trench of 2 m deep and 8 m wide in one pass. The soil was medium compact fine sand with some clay layers. The system is cable of dredging 230-250 m3/hr. of sand and dumping it 100-150 m through a floating line from the vessel.