Standard control panel for manual control
A thin “membrane” panel is included, which can be mounted and sealed to a flat surface with the adhesive backing. If the application requires a watertight seal LYYN recommends extra mechanical mounting. The panel is connected to the LYYN Hawk Board with a flat cable (included).
Software control
The Hawk Board can be controlled remotely through a standard RS232/485 serial interface over a flat cable connector. A simple standard communications program, like “HyperTerminal” in Windows or “QuickTerm” in Mac OS X, can be used to send ASCII text-based commands. You can also write scripts and software on your own control platform for a more integrated solution.
Video synchronization
The LYYN Hawk Board has three video synchronization modes. The video output can be synchronized to the video input, an external synchronization signal on a separate micro connector can be used or an Time Based Corrected signal can be obtained by controlling the delay.
- Analog PAL/NTSC video
- Complete kit with all the necessary parts for simple plug-and-play integration
- Standard control panel for manual control
- Software remote control